About me

My name is Leon Eckert and I am a member of the German Bundestag for Bündnis90/Die Grünen since September 2021. There I represent my constituency 214 of Pfaffenhofen-Freising-Schrobenhausen in the south of Bavaria. In the Bundestag I am a member of the Committee on Internal Affairs and Community, a deputy member of the Committee on Transport as well as the Budget Committee, and vice-chairman of the Audit Committee. In the Committee on Internal Affairs and Community I am the parliamentary rapporteur for civil defense and emergency protection, advocating for more cooperation between the federal government and the federal states, as well as direct democracy. Regarding the latter, I am currently working on the preparations for the first German Citizens‘ Council.

My staff is not only active in my Berlin office, but also on site in my two constituency offices in Schrobenhausen and Pfaffenhofen. This way I can also get involved in Bavarian political issues such as Bavarian traffic and environmental policies as well as volunteerism and border controls. Furthermore, I am particularly committed to the preservation of the Danube moss, the largest marshland in southern Germany, as well as to stopping redundant and unsustainable road construction projects in the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan. Furthermore I oppose the construction of a third runway at Munich Airport.

Prior to my mandate as member of the Bundestag, I already gained political experience through my involvement in the executive board of the GRÜNEN JUGEND Bavaria, as well as in the municipal council of Eching and the district council of Freising. In 2020, I was also elected as the third mayor of the municipality of Eching.
In addition to my political offices, I have been active in the Eching Volunteer Fire Department since 2015.
I studied both History and Political Science at the University of Munich (LMU), as well as Technology and Management-oriented Business Administration at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). I completed both courses of study with a bachelor’s degree.

It is particularly important to me that people who can not speak German are also heard by politicians in the Bundestag. That’s why I and my team are also happy to receive messages and inquiries in English.